Piazza di Spagna 9
Added gallery of images for PiazzadiSpagna 9, an exclusive Townhouse and Gallery created by Stefania Grippo. Rooms feature Guerraz art. Click on the image to view the gallery.
Site: http://www.piazzadispagna9.it/
© Guerraz 1990-2025 / Privacy
Added gallery of images for PiazzadiSpagna 9, an exclusive Townhouse and Gallery created by Stefania Grippo. Rooms feature Guerraz art. Click on the image to view the gallery.
Site: http://www.piazzadispagna9.it/
Today Veronica de Laurentiis’ project goes live: it will air every week, every Friday at 14 hrs, from April 29th 2016, on the Facebook page “Dillo a Veronica”.
This video project will be a meeting place for women, a vision on the contemporary feminin, an intimate and confidential feminin laboratory. It’s a virtual living room where women can meet, communicate, challenge each other and in certain cases confess and ask for help or advice. Veronica will answer everyone and create a network of support and consultation.
Every week there will be a new episode, a one-on-one encounter with women who wanted to meet with Veronica. Direct conversations, intimate, at times dramatic or irreverent, but never trivial, eye-opening for the viewer and for those who want to leave comments on Veronica’s page, open 24/7 and coordinated by Veronica herself.
Production is by Ivan Kavalsky, direction by Stefano Pistolini together with Massimo Salvucci.
Art work by Nicola Guerraz. Casting and communication by Francesca Martinotti.
“Dillo a Veronica” on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dilloaveronica/
Note: the project will be in the Italian language only.
A gallery of some of my works in the luxurious setting of the Villa Brasini Beauty Clinic.
We share the same passion for professionalism, curiosity, art, new techniques and synergy.
Belleza in evoluzione! Evolution of Beauty!
2016-04-18-news-brasiniGallery of works at Villa Brasini Beauty Clinic:
Villa Brasini Beauty Clinic on Facebook:
New works were added, take a look: https://guerraz.org/works/
New video with a compilation of gold coloured works:
Soaking up inspiration in Paris for a few days.
I made a resolution to stop drinking alcohol… but at Chez Castel that doesn’t hold!
Cheers to all.